Pavement Ants in Your Kitchen 5 Steps to Take Right Now

Pavement Ants in Your Kitchen? 5 Steps to Take Right Now

When you find pavement ants in your house, it can be very scary. People know that these tiny attackers are persistent, but you don’t have to give up your kitchen to them. If you find ground ants in your kitchen right now, here are five important things you need to do.

Step 1: Find Pavement Ants

Make sure that the ants in your kitchen are really sidewalk ants before you do anything else. You can often see a lot of pavement ants. They are small and dark brown to black. Because they like to nest under concrete slabs, sidewalks, and roads, that’s how they got their name. Figuring out what they are will help you pick the best ways to handle them.

Step2: Make sure yourkitchen is clean

Pavement ants are drawn to places where there is food. Getting rid of these attractants is the first thing that needs to be done. Do these things to keep your kitchen clean:

Food Sealing: Put all food, especially sweet and sticky things, in containers that keep air out. It’s easy for ants to get into open packages.

Wiping Down Surfaces: To get rid of food crumbs and spills, clean the counters, tables, and floors often.

Empty the Trash: Throw away trash right away in a trash can that is closed tightly. Make sure the lid of the can fits tightly.

Fix any leaks. Ants need water too. Fix any faucets or lines that are leaking to get rid of water sources.

Step3: Find points of entry

Find out where the ants are coming in through the kitchen. Pavement ants often get inside through small holes and cracks near doors, windows, and foundations. Check these places carefully for ways to get in. To stop more water from getting in, seal any holes with glue or weatherstripping.

Step4: Use pure bug sprays

If you want to do something more natural, you could use things that keep ants away. Common choices are:

Spray vinegar and water on ant trails and entry places to get rid of them. Their scent trails are messed up by the strong smell.

If you see ants, sprinkle ground cinnamon on the area. Ants don’t like the strong smell of cinnamon.

Peppermint Oil: Ants are scared off by the smell of peppermint oil. Add some drops to water and spray it around places where people can get in.

Step5: Use traps and baits for ants

To get rid of ants more directly, baits and traps can work very well. You can easily find these items at most shops. They should be put in places where you’ve seen ants. The bait will attract the ants, who will then bring it back to the colony and share it with other ants. This will finally kill the colony. Do what the maker says to do to get the best results.

When to Get Help from a Professional

If you’ve tried everything to get rid of pavement ants but they won’t go away or if you have a really bad population, it might be time to call in pest control experts. They know how to get rid of the colony at its source and have access to stronger treatments that can do it. If you think the ants you’re seeing aren’t sidewalk ants but rather a different species, you need to have them identified by a professional in order to get rid of them.

Staying away from future infestations

After getting rid of the pavement ants in your house, it’s important to take steps to keep them from coming back. Keep your kitchen clean, seal any openings, and check the outside of your home every so often for possible ant entrances. You can keep these pests out of your food by being careful and taking action.

Finally, you don’t need to be scared if you find pavement ants in your home. You can get back control of your kitchen and keep these tiny invaders away if you follow these five steps and work hard at them. Remember that patience is key when dealing with ants, and if your efforts don’t work, you can always get help from a professional.

Affordable, high quality, and professional ant exterminator porthope,  done by insured and licensed exterminators. We use commercial-grade low-mammalian toxicity pesticides to get rid of ants completely in combination with potent baits.